His emotions still raw after his undercover mission, Jack finds all is not as easily
forgiven as he might have hoped.
It was a dark and stormy night... and who should come seeking shelter but one very
bedraggled archeologist...
Please note - no fish were harmed during the writing of this story. A Colonel, maybe,
but no fish.
On a mission off-world, Jack and Daniel come to a new understanding.
They argue. They Make up. They dance. Much seasonal sappiness ensues.
Jack reminisces on Daniel's birthday.
The Gold Chain Series (FRAO)
On one of the most important dsays of Jack's life he suddenly finds himself confronted
by an old love in the corridors of the White House.
A homeless Jack finds comfort from an unexpected source.
Missing tag to 'Demons'.
The Prince of Abydos Series (Jack/Skarra)
Once upon a time a cynical, middle-aged Air Force Colonel named Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill,
went on a trip through the Stargate to a world called Abydos, where he met and fell in love with a beautiful youth named Skarra.
This is an AU, so the Skarra here is 17-18 years old, but since a year on Abydos is
the equivalent of 18 moinths on Earth it can be argued that he is actually in his mid-twenties.
Miscellaneous Stories
General Hammond considers the relationship between his two best men.